David Buckingham

David Buckingham Theory

His theory was categorized in a social process like Gunther's theory. His findings offer evidence that children progressively acquire a discourse of genre.His research focuses on children's and young people interactions with electronic media and media education.

Buckingham related the development of genre to the complex issue of ever changing identity. He argues "genre is not simply given by the culture it is a constant process of negotiation and change."
Buckingham cautions that it would be a mistake to regard the dates as a demo station of audiences pre-existing cognate understanding since he stresses that categorization is a social process as well as a cognitive one.


Apply Buckingham theory to JLS (newly formed band) and The Bee Gees (earlier formed)

From these video there are many differences and similarities. 

Differences :
                      More considerate on clothing in JLS as opposed to the Bee Gees                     
                     JLS music video involves women whereas Bee Gee focus on them selves
                      More relieving in the JLS music video (topless)
                      More locations are shown whereas Bee Gees are filmed in one area
                      Dance choreography has been used in JLS but not in Bee Gees music video

Similarites:Both mainly performance based videos
                     Both are Male Group bands
                     Both contextual features of females

Men Being Protrayed:

- Main focus of the music video (them standing on  stage in the foreground shows they're superior).
- 'Trend setters' - Making a fashion statement.
-Also seen as inspirational. (As they dance then the back ground dancers follow)

 Bee Gee's:
- Men are seen to be dominant as choir is based around them-given stereotypical view of males within society.
- Unity is shown throughout the whole music video with the use of one microphone between the three artists.

Contast of Sterotypes:

This is a clip from "If i was a boy" to show how the female has more power as opposed to the man as she is the one who is in control. From this it is evident that there is an existing contrast between the typical sterotype of  genders.

This is from like a boy music video where ciara is dress like a typical guy.